FREE Editable Name Practice Activity
As a new school year approaches, we know many of you teachers out there are looking for ways to add a personalized touch to your classroom environment. That’s where these editable name pendants come into play. Each pendant is personalized by your students and when attached together, make an awesome banner! These banners are a perfect way to decorate for Back to School Night, or leave them up all year long through Open House. This FREE download includes both an English and a Spanish version of the editable name practice activity.
Getting Started
You’ll need the following materials to have your students create this banner:
- crayons
- markers
- cardstock
- scissors
- ribbon or twine
- mini clips or clothespins

We found our twine and mini clothespins at the Target Dollar Spot! First thing you will do after you’ve gathered the materials is to type each child’s name on the pendant pages in the editable file. We have given you enough pages for 30 students. Now save the file and print only the pages you need on cardstock paper.
Name Practice Student Activity
Now your students are ready to decorate their name pendant. They will start by tracing their name and drawing a portrait of themselves. Next, have them color in the consonants and vowels section. The final part will have your students writing the number of letters in their name as well as the first and last letter of their name. When all sections are filled in, your students will cut out the pendant.

Creating a Banner Display
Use the twine and mini clothespins to attach the pendants in a row. You can create one long banner or several shorter ones – depending on the number of students you have. What we love the most about this activity is that students get to practice printing and working on their name while creating something that shows how each individual child is part of a classroom community.
Click on the button below to download your copy of our “All About My Name” activity. Enjoy!

Looking for more name practice fun?