Camping: Camp Out in Class Thematic Unit
Page Count:35
File Type:PDF
Grade: Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade
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Bring the outdoors inside by having the ultimate classroom campout! This unit is filled with engaging activities, printables, student camping planner, and an adorable camping craftivity. Here’s what is included in this unit:
1. Recommended Book List
2. Word Wall (16 camp related words)
3. “Kids at Camp” Teacher Reader – perfect for a classroom read aloud
4. “Kids at Camp” mini book for students
5. “My Camping Planner” cover page
6. Planner Page 1: Camping Companions
7. Planner Page 2: It’s Time to Pack (drawing activity)
8. Planner Page 3: It’s Time to Pack (writing activity)
9. Planner Page 4: What’s on the Menu? – camp foods
10. Planner Page 5: The Perfect Place – choosing a camping location
11. Planner Page 6: Activities at Camp
12. Camping Critters: Spin, Tally & Total Math Activity
13. Class Camping Survey
14. Living & Non Living Science Sort
15. Camp Scavenger Hunt
16. Campfire class snack with printable recipe and labels
17. All About Camping Printable Poster – for students to decorate and fill-in
18. Memories from Camp Craftvity (with templates)
Perfect for grades K-2! For kindergarten students, some printables may require a more guided instruction approach. Please download our preview for a closer look into this unit. Enjoy!
~Curriculum Castle
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